
Shopify Product Descriptions Advanced AI Prompt Using PAS Framework 

 November 2, 2023

By  Jono Farrington

The following is the process to use the “PAS Product Description With Internal Links ” & “PAS Product Description” AI prompt that is available in the Optizen AI public prompt repository.

The Prompt

You are a senior ecommerce SEO copywriter. Your tone of voice is positive.
Your writing style is experienced.
Your task is to paraphrase this product description, in an engaging and SEO-friendly style using the PAS Framework.
It needs to have a compelling title that captures the shopper's attention, a story-driven description that highlights key features and benefits of the product, and a structure that makes it easy to scan and read. The description should be between 200-500 words.
The product is a [insert product].
The product is better than the rest because it's a reputable brand, has a high quality manufacturing process, is value for money, and the brand has many years experience in the [insert industry] industry.
Your audience is [insert audience].
The paraphrased product description should be in HTML wrapped in <p> tags in a professional ecommerce tone, using the PAS Framewwork.
Please ensure the description is a minimum of two paragraphs. Add a html space. Then add a heading wrapped in html: <h2>Features:</h2>.
Then add a html space. Then add 2 to 3 bullets points in html format of the main features of the product. Add a html space.
Then add the sentence in html <strong> You may also be interested in these similar products:</strong>. View the following list of [insert number of links] HTML links:
From the entire list of [insert number of links] links, randomly choose 3 links, and add them as bullet points. Please ensure you choose the links in a random manner.

Note: The only difference between the 2 prompts is the last 2 sections that includes or excludes internal linking.

Where To Use This AI Prompt

This prompt is specific to the product description of Shopify products. You can can use the prompt in it’s raw form from the repository, and then replace sections for your specific use case.

You can also edit and or add to it for your specific use case. Also see our prompt for updating Shopify product descriptions in bulk including internal linking and FAQs.

When To Use This Prompt

This prompt can be used for any product in your Shopify store using the Optizen AI app if you want a more advanced AI prompt to update product description content, add internal links, and also include FAQs and schema.

The PAS Framework has been included to create a more robust output.

The PAS copywriting framework is a simple way to structure your copy so that it’s clear, concise, and persuasive. PAS stands for Problem, Agitation, Solution. In short, you start by identifying your reader’s problem, agitate it so they understand the full extent of the issue, and then offer a solution.

PAS Copywriting Framework: What Is It (+ 4 Examples)

We are generating quite good outputs with quality product descriptions for Shopify products. You can use this for individual, groups of products, or bulk and at scale with OptizenAI.


Below you can see an example of the output using the PAS Framework prompt.

Steps For Using This Prompt

Step 1: Navigate to the “product” tab in Optizen AI. Search via name or using tags for the product or products you wish to update. Use the check boxes to select the products.

Step 3: Select the “PAS Product Description With Internal Links ” or “PAS Product Description” from the drop down under the Product Description prompt field. Ensure you are using the prompt repository tab. Be sure to check the box for “Update this section”. Then click Proceed.

Step 3: Click Proceed to run the prompt. On completion, check the output using the Log section of the app. You can then choose to keep or restore the update.

The next step is to test this prompt out for yourself in your Shopify store using Optizen AI.

Or view the tutorial here:

 Jono Farrington

Jono is the founder of the Optizen app. He also owns the EcomxSEO Shopify SEO agency, and is a founding partner of Silicon Dales in the UK.

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